Registration Form
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View upcoming courses or browse the calendar to register.
Course Information
Courses are held at First Congregational Church (801 Bushnell St., Beloit) unless otherwise noted in the description. We will cancel SLU courses if Beloit Public Schools cancel classes for weather emergencies,
Most courses are 2 hours in length with a coffee break in the middle. Coffee, tea and cookies are provided. To help us cut down on expenses and waste, please consider bringing your own reusable cup.
If you have paid in full for a course that is filled by the time your registration is received, or if the course is cancelled for any reason, you will receive a voucher for the cost of that course. The voucher may be used toward the cost of any remaining course this semester, or for any course the following semester. Vouchers or Refunds will NOT be issued for any courses that you have missed. If you are unable to attend a course, please notify the SLU Office promptly. When a course is filled, a waiting list is created and you may enable someone on the waiting list to attend in your place.
Some non-members of SLU and invited guests of SLU members may find it convenient to bypass our enrollment procedure and “pay at the door,” if our classroom capacity has not been met (it is best to call a couple of days ahead to ensure space). A surcharge of $3.00 will be levied on each such transaction.
The SLU Board invites this semester’s unpaid volunteer course presenters to be our guests and enroll with all fees waved, for up to three of the courses offered this semester. Course presenters should complete and submit the enrollment form in this booklet to reserve space in the desired course.
If you are willing and able, please consider making a separate contribution to SLU so that we can continue to provide inexpensive, quality programming to the greater Beloit community. You can conveniently do so by including a separate check with your class enrollment form.
Remember that SLU is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. As such, it is qualified to receive charitable donations that are fully tax deductible to the extent provided by law.